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Compass – Gallipoli Pilgrimage (2006)


Australians are making their way in increasing numbers to Anzac Cove in Turkey each year to commemorate the ANZAC landing there on April 25th, 1915. This is the story of some of those who were present at the dawn service in 2005.

We follow a group of Australian pilgrims including a young soldier with his father who fought in the Second World War, an Aussie back packer and a school girl with her father who lost an uncle at Gallipoli, the uncle he is named after.

Curator’s notes

A moving documentary about the ANZAC spirit. The program successfully moves between the stories of the soldiers who were put ashore on that dawn morning in 1915 and those who have made the pilgrimage in the 21st century, to commemorate that sacrifice. And most moving of all, we hear from some of the Turks who welcome the Australians to Anzac Cove today. Turkey lost 90,000 of its countrymen in the First World War.

The choice of talent is enormously important in a documentary of only 30 minutes. In this case, the researchers and producers have chosen well, as each of the pilgrims reveals yet another reason why Anzac Cove is a sacred site for some Australians.