The Aunty Jack Show – Series One (1972)
Sketch comedy interlaced with musical sequences, featuring Aunty Jack (Grahame Bond) the self-styled queen of Wollongong and a cast of glorious misfits including Thin Arthur (Rory O’Donoghue), Aunty Jack’s much put upon sidekick as well as Flange Desire (Sandra McGregor), Kev Kavanagh (Grahame Bond) the meat artist, Neil and Errol (Grahame Bond and Rory O’Donoghue) the singing tramps and John Derum as Narrator Neville.
Curator’s notes
There had never been anything quite like Aunty Jack when this outrageous bikie and self-proclaimed queen of Wollongong created and played by Grahame Bond, leapt out of the television set and into our lives in the early 1970s. She was the antithesis of the well-groomed and polite presenter, the scourge of television. She was a moustachioed hostess who threatened to jump out of viewers’ television sets and 'rip their bloody arms off’. Almost 20 years after the arrival of television in Australia, The Aunty Jack Show set the medium on its head in the same way that Laurence Sterne’s Tristram Shandy had played with the structure of the novel in English literature centuries before. Aunty Jack and her acolytes were irreverent, bizarre and uniquely Australian.
There were seven half-hours made for this first series, the writers having worked and performed together in architecture revues during their undergraduate years at Sydney University. Maurice Murphy as a rising talent at the ABC had been sent to the BBC to learn how to make comedy and returned to produce and direct this first series of The Aunty Jack Show soon to be followed by a second series, with Garry McDonald replacing John Derum.
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