Titles tagged with ‘villages’
16 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Bomb Harvest documentary – 2007
This documentary follows an Australian bomb disposal specialist training a team in Laos to clear bombs left from the ‘secret war’ the US waged at the time of the Vietnam War.

Buckley, Anthony: Buckley Family Collection: Tarn Shan Tin Mine, Thailand home movie – c1928
This footage is rare because Australians travelled infrequently to South-East Asia in the 1920s.

Cradle of Creation documentary – 1944
A compendium of the Middle East filmed by Frank Hurley during his years working as an official war photographer in the Second World War.

End of the Rainbow documentary – 2007
This documentary traces the impact on the communities of moving a gold mine operation from Indonesia to West Africa.

Gerakiteys: Greek Scenes home movie – c1955
The Gerakiteys home movies represent a detailed example of multicultural life in Australia during the 1950s.

Gerakiteys: Scenes of Greece and Canberra home movie – c1954
This clip from a home movie by Emmanuel Gerakiteys beautifully captures a wedding in a small Greek town, soaked in afternoon sunlight.

Joe Leahy’s Neighbours documentary – 1988
This was an excellent opportunity to make a contemporary film about the Papua New Guinea highlands and explore the society forming in the wake of Western contact.

Kokoda Trail, Cadets from Scots College home movie – 1972
The challenging terrain of the Kokoda Trail is constantly evident as the boys climb over rocks, through jungle, across rivers and up mountains.

Man Without Pigs documentary – 1990
The first Papua New Guinea man to become a professor returns to his small village to celebrate, but inadvertently creates antagonism when rituals aren’t adhered to.

Minter, R: South-East Asia, India and Rome home movie – 1958
This home movie from Robert Minter follows his travels to Hong Kong, Thailand, Burma, India, Turkey, Greece and Italy.

My Mother Told Me short film – 2007
A fragmentary account of the horrors of war in Cambodia evolves into an exploration of its aftershocks in a family and the impact of cultural dislocation on identity.

Nott, D: A Trip With the RAAF home movie – c1970
The footage of this May, 1969 trip includes aerial shots of the landscape, airfields, and members of the Works Committee visiting villages.

Pearls and Savages documentary – 1921
This 1979 reconstruction of Frank Hurley’s 1921 adventure film Pearls and Savages showcases the peoples and cultures of the Torres Strait Islands and Papua New Guinea.

Terrain in South East Asia sponsored film – 1964
Produced in-house by Army Public Relations, this was a restricted-access training film for Australian troops placed in South-East Asian postings.

Terrain Study of Phuoc Tuy Province South Vietnam sponsored film – 1967
Many of the places named in this formerly restricted army training film have become pilgrimage tour destinations for veterans of the Vietnam War.

A Town Like Alice television program – 1980
This mini-series, based on the novel by Nevil Shute, tells an epic love story that begins in Malaya during the Japanese occupation of 1941–45.