Titles tagged with ‘university’
5 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

General Motors Holden – Postgraduate Research Fellowship Plan advertisement – c1962
This advertisement presents General Motors Holden as a company at the forefront of research and development in Australia.

Just Out of Reach short feature – 1979
Brilliantly acted and shot, Just Out of Reach sits comfortably alongside other films produced during this rich and creative period of the Australian film industry.

Love and Other Catastrophes feature film – 1996
A light-hearted comedy that follows five Melbourne university students encountering love, study and house-share problems in the mid-‘90s.

Petersen feature film – 1974
Though promoted as a lusty yarn, the frequent and fairly explicit sex scenes between the film’s unhappy characters are hardly titillating.

What I Have Written feature film – 1995
A layered mystery that revolves in part around the classic question of the unreliable – or perhaps reliable? – narrator.