Titles tagged with ‘trams’
18 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Australasian Gazette – Conversion newsreel – c1920
In this 1920 newsreel, work commences at Victoria Parade for the electrification of the cable tram system of Collins Street, Melbourne.

Banners Held High documentary – 1956
The narrator, former wharfie Jock Levy, is one of the founders of the Waterside Workers’ Federation Film Unit.

Christmas Hustle and Bustle: Crowds Leave for Well-deserved Holiday on 22 December newsreel – 1928
This Christmas 1928 newsreel includes a hint of the economic hardships of the time by contrasting well-dressed women with two homeless swagmen.

Cine Safari home movie – c1977
Cine Safari was made during a month-long trip by approximately 30 members of the Cine Society in the spring of 1977.

City in the Sun documentary – 1946
Post-war austerity is nowhere to be seen in this romanticised look at the streets of Sydney in the summer of 1946.

City Traffic in Variable Moods newsreel – c1920
This newsreel item is an example of how simple camera techniques can dramatically alter the appearance and mood of scenes that are filmed.

Commuting by Cable documentary – 1988
Even the most dedicated tram enthusiast will be fully satisfied by the detail in this 1988 study.

Disturber of the Peace sponsored film – c1945
A short government announcement advising citizens to consider each other’s need for sleep and to keep noise levels low when others are sleeping.

Fez Please documentary – c1935
A short silent documentary made by the Owen Brothers about Melbourne’s fast-disappearing cable trams.

Malcolm feature film – 1986
Malcolm is one of the most charming modern Australian comedies, and probably the closest we’ve come to matching the joyful silliness of Britain’s 1950s Ealing comedies.

Marvellous Melbourne: Queen City of the South documentary – c1910
Spencer believed cinema patrons wanted to see their own people and country. He went on to produce feature films, some with director Raymond Longford.

Melbourne Today documentary – 1931
Probably the first ‘talkie’ documentary made about Melbourne – in 1931, films with sound were still relatively new in Australia.

A Nation is Built documentary – 1938
This sprawling and patriotic documentary uses actuality footage, historical re-enactments, fictionalised scenes and propaganda to chronicle Australia’s development and progress as a nation.

Opening of the Prahran-Malvern Tramway documentary – 1910
This silent footage by Millard Johnson and William Gibson was made at a time when few people had seen moving pictures let alone a film camera.

Paper City Architects short film – 2006
A stunning, Manhattan-esque metropolis made of paper is the setting for this stop-motion tale of all-too-familiar bureaucratic frustration.

Queen Street and Victoria Bridge historical – 1899
Using an original Lumière Cinematographe, Frederick Charles Wills and his assistant, Henry William Mobsby, capture a busy Brisbane intersection in 1899.

Sydney Tramways historical – c1928
This footage demonstrates the relationship between the growing city population of Sydney in the 1920s and the developing public transport system.

Traffic Chaos Caused by Fusing of Electric Tram Wires newsreel – c1926
This newsreel covers a traffic jam caused by the fusing of electric tram wires in Melbourne in the 1920s. We also see the chaos that follows the event.