Titles tagged with ‘social history’
9 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

900 Neighbours documentary – 2006
Big hART, a community group, allowed residents of Sydney’s Northcott public housing estate to give their own views on living there.

Archibald Family: Noorong Gazette: Parts I - IV home movie – c1927
The Noorong Gazette is a series of seven film gazettes compiled between 1927 and 1932 by the Archibald family of Strathfield, Sydney.

Archibald Family: Noorong Gazette: Parts IX - XII home movie – c1928
These gazettes made by members of the Archibald family are some of the earliest examples of home movie making.

Archibald Family: Noorong Gazette: Parts XXI - XXIV home movie – c1930
The Archibalds were a successful business family who had interests in the milling industry in Queensland and New South Wales.

Captain Cook’s Cottage documentary – 1938
Russell Grimwade paid £800 for the family home of Captain Cook and transported it from Yorkshire to Victoria.

Compass – Pregnant Pause television program – 2006
Four women talk about their unwanted pregnancies in the ’50s, an era before abortion was readily available. Each went on to fight for other women’s right to choose.

Searchlight on Japan documentary – c1948
Made by Ken G Hall, Searchlight on Japan focuses on Japan under Allied occupation at the end of the Second World War.

Seven Little Australians television program – 1973
This is a delightful and faithful adaptation of Ethel Turner’s iconic Australian story, Seven Little Australians, into a charming television series.

We Have To Live With It documentary – 1974
Tom Zubrycki’s first foray into filmmaking – a 1970s community video – reflects an interest in social issues that continues throughout his career.