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Titles tagged with ‘separation’

5 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Father short film – 2008

A short animated film about a boy trying to understand his father.

Love Letters from Teralba Road short feature – 1977

Based on letters found in a flat in Sydney, Love Letters from Teralba Road examines love among the working classes in the western suburbs.

Patrick feature film – 1978

Patrick proved that Australia had the capacity to produce exportable exploitation movies and is better regarded now than it was in 1978.

Police Rescue – Mates television program – 1990

The writing is strong, leaving us with a sense of the great camaraderie that allows these police officers to continue to do their job in difficult circumstances.

Travelling North feature film – 1987

Casting Leo McKern was a coup because he almost never accepted roles in his place of birth once he’d become successful in England.