Titles tagged with ‘scientific research’
21 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year
The Alfred, Melbourne: One of Australia’s Greatest Hospitals advertisement – 1931
This four-minute cinema advertisement made by Australian Sound Films promotes the activities of the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne in order to raise funds.
Antarctica 1948 documentary – 1949
A record of the operations of the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition, November 1947–April 1948.
Antarctic Vigil documentary – 1952
One of the first colour films about Australian bases in the sub-Antarctic islands.
Antarctic Voyage documentary – 1956
In 1955, the Danish ship Kista Dan takes a team of Australian scientists south for a year at Mawson, Australia’s new Antarctic research station.
Beyond 2000 – Episode 152 television program – 1989
Including a report from Japan where a robot mannequin with the body type of a typical Japanese woman might replace the European store dummy.
Beyond 2000 – Episode 287 television program – 1992
Research and innovation around the world that will change our lives beyond the year 2000. When axed by the ABC, the team created Beyond Tomorrow for the Seven Network.
A Big Country – The Challenge of Lake Eyre television program – 1978
Roma and John Dulhunty, explorers of the great outback, come to Lake Eyre to conduct their geological survey.
Birth of the Red Kangaroo documentary – 1965
This CSIRO documentary details the reproductive cycle of the red kangaroo, its mating habits and growth in the pouch.
Catalyst – Genius of Junk television program – 2003
A compelling story of science that presents one of the most important moral questions of our time – should scientists be able to lock up research for personal gain?
Division of Radiophysics documentary – 1950
This public relations documentary outlines research undertaken by the CSIRO Division of Radiophysics during the 1940s.
Dr Plonk feature film – 2007
One of a tiny number of silent movies made since ‘the talkies’ arrived in the late 1920s, Rolf de Heer’s Dr Plonk is a high-spirited throwback to the days of pure visual slapstick.
Expedition South documentary – 1961
A film record of a year at Mawson, Australia’s largest Antarctic station.
A Hard Rain documentary – 2007
A Hard Rain came out of David Bradbury’s concern that Australia was about to embark on the biggest environmental disaster since white settlement.
Honeybee Blues documentary – 2009
Australian bee pathologist Dr Denis Anderson is on a quest to save the honeybee from the devastating Varroa destructor mite.
Ocean Girl – Series 2, Episode 3 television program – 1995
Ocean Girl is a beautiful alien that can swim at extraordinary speed and telepathically communicate with a humpback whale called Charley.
Poisoned Daggers sponsored film – c1941
The evocative title lends a sense of drama to the message being conveyed: that the mosquito’s bite is a threat not just to the health of the community, but also the war effort.
Research on Survival in Bushfires documentary – 1963
This specialist documentary gives a behind-the-scenes look at the Bushfire Research section of the CSIRO.
A Street to Die feature film – 1985
A Vietnam veteran and his wife fight for legal recognition of the damage done to him by the defoliant Agent Orange.
The Sun Worshippers documentary – 1922
A scientific expedition to Wallal for the 1922 solar eclipse confirmed the bending of light by gravity predicted in Einstein’s 1915 General Theory of Relativity.
Who Killed Dr Bogle and Mrs Chandler? documentary – 2006
A landmark documentary that not only reveals the criminal investigation into the mysterious deaths of Dr Bogle and Mrs Chandler in 1963 but solves it as well.
Why It Is So television program – 1973
Professor Julius Sumner Miller amazes and astounds his viewers with ‘light, optics and a brief adventure into modern physics’.