Titles tagged with ‘sailors’
8 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Australian Navy: Destroyers documentary – c1930
The capacity of Royal Australian Navy destroyers to carry and launch torpedoes in the 1930s is demonstrated here.

Dogwatch feature film – 1997
This film could almost pass as a 1940s Hollywood studio thriller starring Humphrey Bogart.

The Exploits of the Emden feature film – 1928
A reconstruction of Ken G Hall’s composite film about the destruction of the German warship Emden in November 1914.

For the Honour of Australia feature film – 1916
War melodrama about two brothers in 1915: one joins the navy, the other discovers a German spy ring in Australia and is saved after the Sydney batters the Emden.

National Treasures – HMAS Sydney’s Carley Float documentary – 2004
A tiny, war-ravaged liferaft’s link to the worst naval disaster in Australia’s history.

Patrol Boat – Never Under the White Ensign television program – 1979
Patrol Boat is a television drama about the crew of a navy patrol boat, whose job it is to guard Australia’s coastal waters.

Sea Patrol – Cometh the Hour television program – 2007
Adventure-driven navy drama revolving around the crew of a patrol boat and set in the waters of northern Australia.

Visit of Deputy PM Forde to UN Conference home movie – 1945
Four days after arriving home from the conference, Prime Minister John Curtin died and Forde was sworn in for a brief term as prime minister.