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Titles tagged with ‘sailing’

5 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Across Bass Strait documentary – 1974

The action on board the boats dominates this record of the 1974 Bass Strait Yacht Race.

Dead Calm feature film – 1989

Nicole Kidman was 20 when she was cast in Dead Calm. Within a year of the film opening, she was in Hollywood – partly as a result of her performance in this film.

Peach’s Explorers – The Prison Walls television program – 1984

The story is entertainingly told with a clever use of dramatic re-creations. The various techniques work to bring history alive.

The Ship That Shouldn’t Have documentary – 1984

A scientific expedition aboard the steam-powered Cheynes 2 was beset by disasters. The members of the expedition were lucky to survive.

Wings to Victory documentary – 1984

Celebrating the win by 12-metre yacht Australia II, this was the first time that America had lost the America’s Cup in 132 years.