Titles tagged with ‘role-playing’
5 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Browne, George: Our movie memories 1928–1934 home movie – 1928
These amateur role-plays are a real treat to watch and were clearly a source of great amusement for all involved.

Cadbury Dairy Milk Chocolate – ‘For All the Different Women You Are’ advertisement – c1970
The light-hearted, romantic style of earlier Cadbury’s chocolates advertisements stands in marked contrast to the sexy and seductive tone adopted here.

A Hero’s Reward home movie – 1950
This delightful ‘family farce’ home movie production was filmed over a weekend around the Lindfield area in Sydney.

Roberts, John: Children playing war games in a suburban backyard home movie – c1941
John Roberts filmed various scenes in and around his home city of Adelaide from 1939 to 1941, including Anzac Day and war bonds marches.

Sylvania Waters – Episode 5 documentary – 1992
One of the first ‘fly on the wall’ reality TV shows, this co-production between the ABC and BBC was a hit here and in the UK.