Titles tagged with ‘relationships’
67 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year prev 1 2
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Shit Skin short film – 2002
This beautiful short drama tells of a young man who takes his grandmother back to the place of her childhood to reconnect with her surviving family.

Sky Trackers – Is There Life On Earth? television program – 1994
Shane is not a textbook hero, and while Nikki’s attraction to him because of his scientific brain seems a little improbable, this situation certainly challenges the stereotype.

So Simple, So Hard … documentary – 1997
An opera singer, a hairdresser, an artist and a Chinese Australian seek suitable partners through introduction agencies, a fortune teller and the internet.

Stingers – Ratcatcher television program – 1998
The first episode of Stingers wastes no time setting up its premise, diving straight into the action, allowing us to get to know the characters as the crime story unfolds.

The Summer of 77 short film – 2001
In this live action-animated short, a newly single woman runs into a former teenage crush and relives the summer they met.

Suzi’s Story documentary – 1987
A mother who has contracted AIDS bravely decides to make a film of the experience.

Swinger short film – 1995
A story of changing luck told through messages on an answering machine and a messy apartment.

Temple on the Hill documentary – 1997
Social and cultural changes in an Indian community in NSW, where traditional arranged marriages are challenged by contemporary Australian influences.

Thank God He Met Lizzie feature film – 1997
This romantic comedy helped launch Cate Blanchett’s cinema career. It intercuts two stories to create a very satisfying contemplation on romantic love and commitment.

Touch the Sun – Captain Johnno television program – 1988
Captain Johnno is a significant Australian children’s film which won the 1988 International Emmy Award for Children and Young People’s Programming.

Touch the Sun – Princess Kate television program – c1988
This is a story of insecurity, snobbery, fear, love and hope as this young girl takes herself and two families on an emotionally painful journey to find out who she really is.

Travelling North feature film – 1987
Casting Leo McKern was a coup because he almost never accepted roles in his place of birth once he’d become successful in England.

Underbelly – Series 1 television program – 2008
This 13-part crime drama is based on real events in Melbourne from 1994–2004. Dealing with gang warfare-related murders, it was controversial even before it was completed.

The Waiting City feature film – 2009
The marriage of an Australian couple hits a crisis point as they wait to finalise the adoption of a child in Kolkata, India.

Water Rats – Dead in the Water television program – 1996
This feature-length pilot packs in more action, location shoots and story strands than a standard episode of Water Rats.

What I Have Written feature film – 1995
A layered mystery that revolves in part around the classic question of the unreliable – or perhaps reliable? – narrator.

Winners – Room to Move television program – 1985
The script of this telemovie (starring a young Nicole Kidman) was criticised at the time for undermining parental authority but that seems hard to understand now.