Titles tagged with ‘natural history’
14 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

250 Million Years Ago documentary – c1940
While very dated stylistically, this documentary about fossils contains clear information.

The Barefoot Bushman: Dancing With Dingoes documentary – 1997
The film includes footage of Bruce Jacobs, who established a dingo sanctuary in Victoria and bred dingoes for domestic sale.

Bird and Animal Calls of Australia environmental – 1968
Extraordinary sounds of Australian wildlife.

Echidna the Survivor documentary – 1995
Echidnas have no sweat pores and don’t pant, so in hot weather they go swimming to cool down.

The Human Journey – Episode 1 television program – 1999
It’s a tall order to re-create events from three-and-a-half million years ago. Roger Scholes found every kind of landscape required in Tasmania.

The Human Journey – Episode 3 television program – 1999
Part scientific mystery, part detective story – this episode concludes that everyone on earth is related to the one tribe from Africa.

Hypsi: the Forest Gardener documentary – 1998
In this natural history of the smallest kangaroo, we learn that during summer, when food is abundant, the testes of the musky rat-kangaroo increase in size.

The Last Husky documentary – 1993
Husky dog teams have served on the Mawson Base in the Antarctic for fifty years. The documentary records the last dogs to be used there and their journey to a new home in Minnesota in the USA.

Lobster Tales documentary – 1998
In creating an 'animal meets people’-style documentary from a lobster’s point of view, director Celia Tait presents an anthropomorphic view of lobsters.

Northern Safari documentary – 1956
This six-month journey in a 1948 Buick later inspired the Leyland Brothers and Albert Mangles.

Numbats documentary – 1996
In 1973 the numbat was adopted as an emblem of WA, joining the black swan, the red and green kangaroo paw, and the gogo fish.

The Official Film of the Mawson Antarctic Expedition documentary – c1916
This film documents part of the treacherous 600-mile 1911–1914 expedition to the Magnetic South Pole led by Sir Douglas Mawson.

Paper Trail, the Life and Times of a Woodchip documentary – 1991
A ‘paper trail’ from Japanese paper products back to Australia, examining whether the world’s demand for paper can coexist with protection of its forests.

Siege of the South documentary – 1931
Frank Hurley documents Australia’s rich history of scientific exploration of the Australian Antarctic Territory.