Titles tagged with ‘military training’
10 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Australasian Gazette – Mimic Warfare newsreel – 1917
In this 1917 newsreel, troops from the Engineers’ Depot rehearse a raid on enemy trenches and are instructed by their commanding officers over the telephone.

The Australian Flying Corps in France, England and Palestine historical – 1919
A silent film depicting pilots and crew of the Australian Flying Corps, precursor to the RAAF, in training and at war in 1918 in France and the Middle East.

Bit of Black Business – Sharpeye short film – 2007
An 11-year-old boy’s sharp eyes help thwart an invasion exercise by elite Special Forces soldiers in the Torres Strait.

Browning Machine Gun sponsored film – c1940
An animated army training film that illustrates the operation of the Browning machine gun.

The Hero of the Dardanelles feature film – 1915
Hero is the first surviving feature film depiction of Australian troops of the First World War and includes images of a real army camp and real soldiers, in training at Liverpool, NSW.

Jack Thompson Down Under – Episode 3 television program – 1987
Aspects of Australian life connected by the on-camera presence of actor Jack Thompson, the iconic Australian with the dinky-di Aussie drawl that Americans love.

Joe Leahy’s Neighbours documentary – 1988
This was an excellent opportunity to make a contemporary film about the Papua New Guinea highlands and explore the society forming in the wake of Western contact.

Patrol Boat – Never Under the White Ensign television program – 1979
Patrol Boat is a television drama about the crew of a navy patrol boat, whose job it is to guard Australia’s coastal waters.

The President Versus David Hicks documentary – 2004
This documentary traces the journey of David Hicks from Australia to Afghanistan and then detention by the US in Guantanamo Bay.

You Can’t See ‘Round Corners feature film – 1969
This film, shot at Kapooka camp, contains one of the only depictions in Australian cinema of soldiers training for Vietnam.