Titles tagged with ‘land’
5 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Couldn’t Be Fairer documentary – 1984
This film, to some degree, is a tribute to Mick Miller, who was committed to fighting for the rights of Indigenous peoples.

Living Country documentary – 2005
The federal government’s 2005 proposal to dump nuclear waste 'in the middle of nowhere’ is impossible, given that the whole of Australia is ‘somewhere’.

Loved Up – Yellow Fella documentary – 2005
Tommy E Lewis, Indigenous star of the stage and screen, identifies as a 'yellow fella’ – both black and white.

Message Stick – The Long-grassers television program – 2005
An exposé on the homeless Aboriginal people of Darwin, known as 'long-grassers’. Deals with both the compassion and the bigotry they evoke by their mere presence.

Tennant Creek – Sacred Dances documentary – 1999
The spirit Moonga Moonga 'is cheeky’ to people from other countries and cultures. The land is considered a living entity around which cultural practices originate.