Titles tagged with ‘inventors’
4 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year
Dr Plonk feature film – 2007
One of a tiny number of silent movies made since ‘the talkies’ arrived in the late 1920s, Rolf de Heer’s Dr Plonk is a high-spirited throwback to the days of pure visual slapstick.
The Inventors television program – 1980
Panellist Diana 'Bubbles’ Fisher is expected to play the 'dizzy dame’, so she can be guaranteed to talk about the colour of the gadget while the guys talk knowingly about its science.
The New Inventors – Series 2 Episode 8 television program – 2005
This short and snappy program works because it never loses sight of its most precious talent, the inventors and their amazing creations.
Talkie Season Opens: Wintergarden Theatre historical – c1929
The Wintergarden Theatre was the first suburban cinema to install audio technology to screen talkies.