Titles tagged with ‘ice’
13 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Antarctica 1948 documentary – 1949
A record of the operations of the Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition, November 1947–April 1948.

Antarctic Vigil documentary – 1952
One of the first colour films about Australian bases in the sub-Antarctic islands.

Antarctic Voyage documentary – 1956
In 1955, the Danish ship Kista Dan takes a team of Australian scientists south for a year at Mawson, Australia’s new Antarctic research station.

Australia Today – Antarctic Pioneers documentary – 1963
Photographer Frank Hurley discusses his Antarctic exploits in his last appearance on film.

Blue Ice documentary – 1954
The story of the 1954 Australian National Antarctic Research Expedition to set up the first Australian base on the Antarctic continent.

Endurance documentary – 1933
After watching Home of the Blizzard Ernest Shackleton asked Frank Hurley to film his expedition across Antarctica with the aim of funding part of the expedition through film sales.

Expedition South documentary – 1961
A film record of a year at Mawson, Australia’s largest Antarctic station.

Farrow, H: Victorian and South Australian Holiday Scenes home movie – c1930
This 16mm home movie captures a number of holiday scenes and places including ice and snow in Mount Buffalo, Victoria.

Mawson: Life and Death in Antarctica documentary – 2007
Polar adventurer Tim Jarvis attempts to re-create Douglas Mawson’s epic and controversial trek to safety in Antarctica in 1913.

Siege of the South documentary – 1931
Frank Hurley documents Australia’s rich history of scientific exploration of the Australian Antarctic Territory.

Snowy Hydro – Conservation in the Snowy Mountains sponsored film – 1955
This film traces the history of soil erosion in the Snowy Mountains and demonstrates the approach taken by the Snowy Mountains Scheme to counteract the problem.

Toora Vale Ice Company, Berri: The Ice Man Was Never Like This advertisement – c1934
Animated slogans in this advertisement effectively promote the use of ice in refrigeration.

Toora Vale Ice Company, Berri: Welcome Mr Ice Man advertisement – c1934
The advertisement comes from a time when electrical goods were being heavily promoted for the home.