Titles tagged with ‘human rights’
6 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

After Mabo documentary – 1997
The most respected Indigenous commentators on native title are featured here, thus adding to the documentary’s historical importance.

Angel Baby feature film – 1995
These lovers are mentally ill and, for the sake of their coming baby, go off their medication, adding a touch of heroism to the film.

The Life and Times of Malcolm Fraser television program – 2004
A portrait of Malcolm Fraser, Prime Minister of Australia from 1975 to 1983.

The Loner music – 1973
‘The Loner’ by Vic Simms is regarded as Australia’s great lost classic album of Aboriginal protest songs.

Marn Grook documentary – 1996
'Marn Grook’ is the Indigenous name of a game very similar to AFL. This revealing documentary contends that AFL is in fact derived from Marn Grook.

Ningla A-Na documentary – 1972
Ningla A-Na documents the activism of the Black movement in south-east Australia in the 1970s and shows how the activists changed the direction of the movement both nationally and internationally.