Titles tagged with ‘horseriders’
6 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Australian Story – Since Adam Was a Boy television program – 1997
Adam Sutton, horse wrangler and rodeo rider, is a quintessential cowboy: fearless, fun-loving and gay. The biggest risk he ever took was revealing his sexuality.

Forty Thousand Horsemen feature film – 1940
Chauvel introduced a very young and fresh-faced Chips Rafferty, who modelled his performance in part on the comical digger created by Pat Hanna in Diggers (1931).

Ken Howard Calls the Melbourne Cup radio – 1941
A 1941 recording of famous sports broadcaster Ken Howard calling the Melbourne Cup.

The Man from Snowy River feature film – 1982
The Man From Snowy River is an iconic Australian western. It’s a naive film of epic proportions, but the naiveté is calculated to appeal to a sense of American nostalgia, and Australian chauvinism.

Phar Lap feature film – 1983
The film is well constructed, both as a folkloric tale of a young man’s bond with a special horse and as an exciting spectacle with a couple of magically charged moments.

The Saddle Club – Series 1 Episode 1 television program – 2001
Carole, Stevie and newcomer Lisa ride their way to true friendship in The Saddle Club.