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Titles tagged with ‘generation gap’

4 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Crackerjack feature film – 2002

An overgrown boy from a spoiled generation, becomes a man through fraternising with an older, wiser — and very daggy — generation.

Looking For Alibrandi feature film – 1999

There is a lot of genuine affection between the grandmother, mother, and daughter in this film but conversations are bruising too.

Maxonol Gramophone: Buy a Good Gramophone and Keep Her at Home advertisement – 1925

Typically for a cinema advertisement of the time, it takes a narrative style and is shot like a slowly paced short film.

Rites of Passage documentary – 1994

Exploring the rites of passage that accompany entry into adulthood, three rebellious teenagers and their parents struggle to resolve their differences.