Titles tagged with ‘gender’
19 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year
Peach Growing and Canning in Australia sponsored film – c1926
At the time the film was made, the Leeton State Canning Factory employed approximately 250 people and processed 120 tonnes of fruit a day.
A Visit to Ernest Hillier’s Factory sponsored film – c1926
This documentary details the delicate work and attention to detail required when producing handmade chocolates and sweets for Australian consumers.
Kraft Cheddar Cheese Cinema Advertisement: Unexpected Guests advertisement – c1940
This snack was marketed by Kraft as a quick and easy-to-prepare snack, and importantly an economical one.
Tandaco Prepared Stuffing: Don’t Cry Dear Lady advertisement – c1942
A classic example of the stereotypical image we have of the Australian housewife.
Kraft Cheddar Cheese Cinema Advertisement: Your Daily Diet advertisement – c1947
This Kraft advertisement examines the value of three food groups: protective foods, energy foods and body builders.
General Motors Holden – Saturday Kind of Car advertisement – 1967
The 1960s Holden ads used catchy jingles and upbeat music, promoting the car as an object of desire.
High on a Cool Wave documentary – 1968
A classic Australian surf movie featuring Nat Young, Bob McTavish and Peter Drouyn, from just before the short board revolution in 1968.
Petersen feature film – 1974
Though promoted as a lusty yarn, the frequent and fairly explicit sex scenes between the film’s unhappy characters are hardly titillating.
Pussy Pumps Up short feature – 1979
This 2D animated film features a tiny cat-girl heroine who metamorphoses into a muscular, powerful figure.
Last Breakfast in Paradise short feature – 1982
Even in 1982 Last Breakfast in Paradise was one of a very few dramas of any length which had been directed by a woman.
Winners – Quest Beyond Time television program – 1985
Simply told, and not too frightening, Quest Beyond Time shows the changes that could occur in the world if a nuclear war takes place.
Camera Natura short film – 1986
This montage film is about the spirit of the land: charting the contours of myth, geography and landscape.
Small Treasures short film – 1995
In this animated short, a pregnant woman imagines the worst domestic disasters befalling her unborn child.
Cheap Blonde short film – 1998
A humorous experimental word game which examines gender representation and authorship in the cinema.
Head On feature film – 1998
In terms of iconoclastic daring, Head On has no equal in Australian cinema. It broke so many rules, offended so many polite conventions, attacked so many silences, that it left audiences stunned and gulping for air.
Zipper short film – 1998
This tongue-in-cheek live action-animated short blames the zipper for unleashing women’s sexuality.
A Girl, a Horse, a Dream documentary – 2003
This documentary follows the top Australian female jockey for a year to see if men and women can compete equally in horseracing.
Summer Heights High – Episode 5 television program – 2007
Summer Heights High walks an interesting tightrope between observation and comedy, often seeming quite real and quite ridiculous at the same time.
The Waiting City feature film – 2009
The marriage of an Australian couple hits a crisis point as they wait to finalise the adoption of a child in Kolkata, India.