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Titles tagged with ‘gender politics’

5 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

The Trespassers feature film – 1976

Many films reflected the sexual revolution of the 1970s but few male directors explored what women wanted from it. This one does.

Last Breakfast in Paradise short feature – 1982

Even in 1982 Last Breakfast in Paradise was one of a very few dramas of any length which had been directed by a woman.

Serious Undertakings documentary – 1983

Serious Undertakings breaks new ground in understanding the construction of meaning and exemplifies the impact of 1970s screen theory on making independent films.

My Life Without Steve short feature – 1986

Set over a year, in a Sydney inner-west harbourside flat, My Life Without Steve is a challenging examination of the first phase of one woman’s long road to recovery from having loved and lost.

The Book Show – Germaine Greer television program – 1992

Germaine Greer talks to Andrea Stretton about the mixed reactions of feminists to her latest book, The Change: Women, Ageing and the Menopause.