Titles tagged with ‘film techniques’
7 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year
Australasian Gazette – 70,000 Pounds Production Nears Completion newsreel – 1926
This newsreel clip from 1926 shows a scene from For the Term of His Natural Life in production at the Australasian Films’ Bondi studio in Sydney.
Australia Post – Royal Tour sponsored film – 1954
As this program amply illustrates, an excited Australian public turned out in droves to see the Queen in 1954. For the PMG, her visit represented a coming of age.
The Legend of Damien Parer television program – 1964
The life of the legendary Australian combat cameraman Damien Parer, through the eyes of those who knew him and through footage shot before his death in action in 1944.
Shadowland short film – 1988
In Anthony Lucas’s animated student film, humanity evolves in a savage landscape.
Round the Twist – Series One – Skeleton on the Dunny television program – 1989
This first episode gives a real taste for the eclectic range of themes and elements which combine to create the Round The Twist magic.
Round the Twist – Series Two – Next Time Round television program – 1992
The second series introduced new actors in many key roles but the change of cast didn’t have any impact on the popularity of Round the Twist.
Ada short film – 2001
Set in a domestic dining room in Sydney in the mid-1950s, the main focus of this autobiographical short film is the relationship between Ada and her granddaughter.