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Titles tagged with ‘festivals’

5 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Travelogue of Eastern States newsreel – c1929

This travelogue, made around 1929, shows the major cities of eastern Australia including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and the new national capital.

White, AR: Tin Mining in Malaya home movie – c1930

Australians have engaged with the Asia-Pacific region through travel and enterprise for many decades, but moving image records like this one from the first half of the 20th century are not common.

Big Bag’s Japanese Adventure documentary – 1998

The Geelong-based Big Bag Band was invited to Japan to inspire that country’s fledgling arts and disability scene.

Compass – Quakers: Seeking the Light Within television program – 2003

Pacifism has always been a central tenet of the Religious Society of Friends. For Quakers, God is within each and every person.

Kenny feature film – 2006

Audiences loved Kenny because his calm response to adversity made him a heroic figure, though he’d never see himself like that.