Titles tagged with ‘environment’
65 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year prev 1 2 next

5 Seasons documentary – 2004
Ancient Indigenous philosophies and cosmologies, this documentary shows, treat the land as a living entity and worthy of respect.

Around a Gum Tree documentary – 1949
This documentary cleverly uses gum trees as a device to explore the broad range of industries that Australia supports.

Australasian Gazette – Prickly Pear Infested Areas of Australia newsreel – 1926
By 1925, the prickly pear infested over 25 million hectares in New South Wales and Queensland. Caterpillar larvae were introduced in 1926 to combat the problem.

Australian Story – Of Droughts and Flooding Rains television program – 2002
Peter Andrews is so obsessed by an idea that it has consumed his life and almost destroyed his family. Voted the very best Australian Story of the decade.

The Back of Beyond documentary – 1954
Battling heat, dust and flood, Tom Kruse delivers mail, stores and supplies along the 517 kilometre Birdsville Track in central Australia.

The Battle for Byron documentary – 1996
The Byron Bay whaling station operated between 1954 and 1962, producing more than 10,000 tonnes of oil from 1,146 whales.

Beautiful Melbourne sponsored film – 1947
This film, put together by the Brotherhood of St Laurence in 1947, increased public awareness of the dire state of those living in slum housing in Melbourne.

Blinky Bill’s Fire Brigade television program – 1992
Blinky Bill is an iconic Australian character much loved by generations of children, through the books and more recently through these television series.

Blowin’ in the Wind documentary – 2005
David Bradbury argues against weapons that use depleted uranium, and says they have already been tested in Australia by the US.

The Changing Face of Australia documentary – 1970
The sheer beauty and grandeur of Uluru before and after a rainstorm is a highlight of this geological study.

End of the Rainbow documentary – 2007
This documentary traces the impact on the communities of moving a gold mine operation from Indonesia to West Africa.

Epsilon feature film – 1995
Rolf de Heer combines extraordinary time lapse photography with a drama that argues that the human race is killing the planet.

An Evergreen Island documentary – 2000
Arson and sabotage were eventually used to stop the shocking environmental degradation being caused by copper mining in Bougainville.

Final Insult documentary – 1997
When some people are 'allergic to the 20th century’ they become captives in their own homes.

The Franklin Wild River documentary – 1980
Bob Brown takes a rubber dinghy through spectacular rapids as part of a filmed campaign to halt plans to flood the Franklin River.

From the Bush to the Bungalow documentary – 1920
Produced at a time when the timber industry was considered romantic, Bush Bungalow shows the power of nature and man’s ability to conquer it.

The Games – Series 1 Episode 8, Rural and Environment television program – 1998
In mockumentary style, The Games charts the progress of the fictitious Logistics and Liaison Division of SOCOG in the run-up to the Sydney Olympics.

Give Trees a Chance: The Story of Terania Creek documentary – 1980
This recording of an anti-logging protest is one of many documentaries made in the 1980s that reflect growing concern about progress at the expense of the environment.

Half Life: A Parable for the Nuclear Age documentary – 1985
O’Rourke presents the case that the US government used the Marshall Islands as a testing ground for atomic weapons to document the long-term effects of radiation.

Home of the Blizzard documentary – 1998
This documentary is an excellent portrayal of the adverse conditions of Antarctica.

Honeybee Blues documentary – 2009
Australian bee pathologist Dr Denis Anderson is on a quest to save the honeybee from the devastating Varroa destructor mite.

Hypsi: the Forest Gardener documentary – 1998
In this natural history of the smallest kangaroo, we learn that during summer, when food is abundant, the testes of the musky rat-kangaroo increase in size.

In the Wild with Harry Butler – Lake Argyle television program – 1976
Harry Butler CBE, naturalist and environmentalist, explains how man-made Lake Argyle has changed the ecology of the Kimberley region forever.

In the Wild with Harry Butler – Scars on the Landscape television program – 1976
Harry Butler seems the archetypal bushie, with his khaki shorts and battered bushman’s hat. He doesn’t work to a script, but moves around the bush with a keen eye.

Isle of Many Waters sponsored film – 1939
The opening credits read 'a portrayal by Frank Hurley described by himself’ and contain the relaxed and descriptive narration style evident in many of his travelogues.

Jabiluka documentary – 1997
This film offers Indigenous, scientific and economic perspectives on the issue of mining uranium at Jabiluka.

King Billy’s First Car advertisement – 1939
This 1930s animated advertisement contains a disturbing subtext about Indigenous Australians.

Landline - Ethanol Special 2006 television program – 2006
Alarmed by a 2003 media scare campaign, Australians have been left behind by Brazil and the US with regard to developing non-fossil fuels.

Land of the Apocalypse documentary – 1991
The traditional custodians of Kakadu National Park battle to protect an important sacred site from mining exploitation.

The Last Whale documentary – 1994
Credited as being influential in the IWC’s 1994 decision to create the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, this film is a passionate plea to save whales from extinction.

Loggerheads documentary – c1990
Since European settlement, half of Australia’s forests and three-quarters of its rainforests have been cleared.

Long Weekend feature film – 1978
On a long weekend camping trip to a lonely beach, Peter and Marcia confront the despair of their marriage, as nature takes revenge on them.

Lord of the Bush documentary – 1990
Through the complex character of McAlpine, Zubrycki reveals the issues confronting the rapidly expanding town of Broome.

My Mother’s Country Part 1 documentary – 2001
Oral history is an important feature of Indigenous culture. The stories told by family members give the Coniston massacre of 1928 a human face.

My Mother’s Country Part 2 documentary – 2001
Japanangka’s act of retaliation for the theft of his wife sparked one of the last-known massacres of Aboriginal people in Australian history.

Norforce Army Days at Hayes Creek, NT and Wyndham home movie – 1943
This footage was filmed by John Mack, a South Australian photographer and cinematographer who served as staff sergeant during the Second World War.

Ocean Girl – Series 2, Episode 3 television program – 1995
Ocean Girl is a beautiful alien that can swim at extraordinary speed and telepathically communicate with a humpback whale called Charley.

One Man’s Instrument short film – 1989
In this animated short film, a man finds his paradise is literally lost.

Operation Blowdown sponsored film – 1963
This is the official film of Operation Blowdown, the classified project that aimed to replicate the effects of a nuclear explosion on a tropical rainforest environment.

Operation Buffalo – Colour Record sponsored film – 1956
In 1957, Britain’s Prime Minister declared that the Operation Buffalo tests would place Britain on an equal nuclear footing with the USA and the Soviet Union.

The Origin of Oil sponsored film – c1923
Made for the Shell Company of Australia, this industrial documentary traces the path of oil from its initial extraction to the petroleum relied on by consumers.

Our Park documentary – 1998
Gillian Leahy visits a micro-world – the park outside her house. Her films are both documentaries and works of fiction.

Paper Trail, the Life and Times of a Woodchip documentary – 1991
A ‘paper trail’ from Japanese paper products back to Australia, examining whether the world’s demand for paper can coexist with protection of its forests.

People Who Still Use Milk Bottles documentary – 1990
This documentary traces the history of the dairy industry in Victoria in the 20th century, featuring Barry Dickins, John Flaus and Barry Jones.

Pleasure Domes short film – 1987
The first Australian animation to compete at Cannes, Pleasure Domes is a reflection on the inevitability of attaching associations to perceptions of landscape.

Poetry In Australia – Judith Wright television program – 1963
This simple, talking heads interview is most informative and a delight to watch. It is a must-see for students of Judith Wright’s work and fellow poets.

Port Botany: A Planning Dilemma documentary – 1979
Tom Zubrycki developed a filmmaking style he calls ‘verite narratives’. This work represents a transition in his development as a filmmaker.

The Ship That Shouldn’t Have documentary – 1984
A scientific expedition aboard the steam-powered Cheynes 2 was beset by disasters. The members of the expedition were lucky to survive.

Shoalwater: Up For Grabs documentary – 1992
Shoalwater: Up for Grabs was instrumental in stopping sandmining in the Shoalwater area.

Snowy Hydro – Conservation in the Snowy Mountains sponsored film – 1955
This film traces the history of soil erosion in the Snowy Mountains and demonstrates the approach taken by the Snowy Mountains Scheme to counteract the problem.