Titles tagged with ‘desserts’
4 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Aeroplane Fruit Jellies Advertisement: Bertie the Aeroplane advertisement – 1942
Creating a lovable cartoon character in Bertie the Aeroplane is one of the reasons that Aeroplane Jelly has become such an identifiable product.

Aeroplane Jelly Advertisement: Spaceship advertisement – 1959
The iconic Aeroplane Jelly jingle was recorded in 1938 by seven-year-old Joy King, who won a state-wide talent quest to record the official version of the song.

Aeroplane Jelly Song advertisement – 1938
The most famous recording of the ‘I Like Aeroplane Jelly’ jingle.

Aeroplane Pure Fruit Jellies Advertisement: Bertie the Jet advertisement – 1954
The colourful animation, the anthropomorphising of Bertie, and the jingle ‘I love Aeroplane Jelly’ are designed to appeal to both children and their parents.