Titles tagged with ‘conservation’
36 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

From the Bush to the Bungalow documentary – 1920
Produced at a time when the timber industry was considered romantic, Bush Bungalow shows the power of nature and man’s ability to conquer it.

Tasmanian Tiger Footage historical – 1932
In 1932, zoologist and naturalist David Fleay filmed some of the last known moving images of a living (now extinct) Tasmanian tiger.

Snowy Hydro – Conservation in the Snowy Mountains sponsored film – 1955
This film traces the history of soil erosion in the Snowy Mountains and demonstrates the approach taken by the Snowy Mountains Scheme to counteract the problem.

Snowy Hydro – Operation Adaminaby sponsored film – 1958
In an extraordinarily florid finale, reminiscent of wartime propaganda, the film pays tribute to the residents and their noble act in moving the town of Adaminaby.

Operation Blowdown sponsored film – 1963
This is the official film of Operation Blowdown, the classified project that aimed to replicate the effects of a nuclear explosion on a tropical rainforest environment.

Snowy Hydro - The Best of the Years sponsored film – 1974
This 1974 documentary examines the multicultural workforce and its achievement in building one of the world’s largest hydroelectric schemes to that date.

Storm Boy feature film – 1976
Seamlessly woven into this story about one boy’s love of a pelican, are such themes as race relations, ecology, and family breakdown.

Franklin River Journey documentary – 1980
Amateur botanist Antonius Moscal says that rafting down the wilderness of the Franklin River reminds him of the definition of God.

The Franklin Wild River documentary – 1980
Bob Brown takes a rubber dinghy through spectacular rapids as part of a filmed campaign to halt plans to flood the Franklin River.

Give Trees a Chance: The Story of Terania Creek documentary – 1980
This recording of an anti-logging protest is one of many documentaries made in the 1980s that reflect growing concern about progress at the expense of the environment.

Waterloo documentary – 1981
Tom Zubrycki’s skills as a documentary filmmaker are clearly evident in this history of the redevelopment of Waterloo in Sydney.

A Voice for the Wilderness documentary – 1983
Jobs versus rainforest preservation – this 1983 documentary was part of a successful popular campaign to save the rainforest inland from Port Macquarie.

The Ship That Shouldn’t Have documentary – 1984
A scientific expedition aboard the steam-powered Cheynes 2 was beset by disasters. The members of the expedition were lucky to survive.

Rocking the Foundations documentary – 1985
Rocking The Foundations is more than a film about a union: it’s a film about social change and how ordinary people can make that happen.

Touch the Sun – The Gift television program – c1988
This film offers a glimpse into the lives of a Greek-Australian family as they struggle with cultural differences, materialism, environmental issues and family relationships.

Lord of the Bush documentary – 1990
Through the complex character of McAlpine, Zubrycki reveals the issues confronting the rapidly expanding town of Broome.

Paper Trail, the Life and Times of a Woodchip documentary – 1991
A ‘paper trail’ from Japanese paper products back to Australia, examining whether the world’s demand for paper can coexist with protection of its forests.

Blinky Bill’s Fire Brigade television program – 1992
Blinky Bill is an iconic Australian character much loved by generations of children, through the books and more recently through these television series.

Shoalwater: Up For Grabs documentary – 1992
Shoalwater: Up for Grabs was instrumental in stopping sandmining in the Shoalwater area.

Tim Storrier, ‘Lighting Fires’ documentary – 1993
Painter Tim Storrier journeys to the outback accompanied by his father and his son, and talks about his love of the desert and bush upbringing.

Concrete City documentary – 1994
The Pyrmont quarries Paradise, Purgatory and Hellhole, supplied the sandstone for many landmark buildings in Sydney.

The Last Whale documentary – 1994
Credited as being influential in the IWC’s 1994 decision to create the Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary, this film is a passionate plea to save whales from extinction.

Ocean Girl – Series 2, Episode 3 television program – 1995
Ocean Girl is a beautiful alien that can swim at extraordinary speed and telepathically communicate with a humpback whale called Charley.

Yindi: The Last Koala? television program – 1996
A young koala is rescued from danger, but the whole species is still threatened.

Jabiluka documentary – 1997
This film offers Indigenous, scientific and economic perspectives on the issue of mining uranium at Jabiluka.

Home of the Blizzard documentary – 1998
This documentary is an excellent portrayal of the adverse conditions of Antarctica.

Hypsi: the Forest Gardener documentary – 1998
In this natural history of the smallest kangaroo, we learn that during summer, when food is abundant, the testes of the musky rat-kangaroo increase in size.

Flipper and Lopaka – The Secrets of Quetzo television program – 1999
Producer Yoram Gross used animation to free up Flipper: ‘In the old series, Flipper was like an extra … we gave him the chance to be the action hero.’

Wamsley’s War documentary – 2000
Wamsley’s controversial hat made of feral cat skins was instrumental in his campaign to make it legal for operators of wildlife sanctuaries to destroy cats.

Maintaining the Links: Maintenance of Historic Timber Bridges in NSW sponsored film – 2001
This film from the RTA Oral History Program documents the history of timber bridge design and construction in New South Wales.

Australian Story – Of Droughts and Flooding Rains television program – 2002
Peter Andrews is so obsessed by an idea that it has consumed his life and almost destroyed his family. Voted the very best Australian Story of the decade.

Blowin’ in the Wind documentary – 2005
David Bradbury argues against weapons that use depleted uranium, and says they have already been tested in Australia by the US.

Happy Feet feature film – 2006
Filmmakers spent two months in Antarctica photographing landscapes and fauna to make this animated film look photoreal.

Eco House Challenge – Episode 1, Stop Your Gassing television program – 2007
Two Australian families have accepted an ‘eco challenge’: the Edwards family, led by ex-army commando Spike, and consumer addicts, the Shepherds.

Eco House Challenge – Episode 3, Emission Impossible television program – 2007
Eco House is a funny but informative show about how to lessen our eco footprint. The families who had to survive for 24 hours with no water, electricity, cars or waste disposal, now have to cut their household energy emissions by 60%.