Titles tagged with ‘community’
6 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

General Motors Holden – Buy with Confidence advertisement – 1968
All the elements in this advertisement combine to present the Holden dealer as a person you can trust when looking to buy a used car.

Message Stick – Bill’s Wake television program – 2001
Bill Neidjie, a traditional owner of Kakadu, had a wake while he was alive, rather than waiting until his death, to hear what people wanted to say about him.

Message Stick – Wayne’s World television program – 2005
Indigenous actor and filmmaker Wayne Blair offers insights into his craft and recounts experiences from his career.

My Life as I Live It documentary – 1993
In this follow-up to My Survival as an Aboriginal (1978), also set in the Brewarrina Aboriginal community, 'Bush Queen’ Essie Coffey has nominated for the local council elections.

Revolving Door short film – 2006
A snapshot of St Kilda’s illegal sex industry and the people it affects.

SeaChange – One of the Gang television program – 1998
A high-powered city lawyer moves to a sleepy coastal town after her life implodes.