Titles tagged with ‘child rearing’
4 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year
Bread and Dripping documentary – 1981
Four women recall raising families during the Great Depression of the 1930s. The film also looks at the activism of women and the beginnings of the early feminist movement in Australia.
The Growing Child sponsored film – 1938
What has changed in the last 70 years is how the public health message is delivered. Rather than highlight dire consequences, this short film positively reinforces correct behaviour.
Mum’s the Word – Episode 16 television program – 2003
A group of women, including Federal MP Jackie Kelly and a young single mother, talk about how they feel pressured by their children to buy, buy, buy.
Three Dollars feature film – 2005
Australians have decided to live in an economy and not a society’, were the words on a banner that partly inspired this film.