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Titles tagged with ‘St Kilda’

8 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

The St Kilda Esplanade on Boxing Day historical – c1913

A vivid snapshot of public life on a sunny day at the St Kilda esplanade and foreshore on Boxing Day 1913.

St Kilda Esplanade 1914 historical – 1914

This early footage of St Kilda includes the entrance to Luna Park and a jetty at the beach. The last shot, with its geometric form and structure, is like a Seurat painting.

Australasian Gazette – Some Sunday Morning newsreel – c1920

This newsreel vividly captures 'some Sunday morning’ at St Kilda Beach, Melbourne, showcasing 1920s swimming costumes, parasols and beach culture.

Australasian Gazette – A Seaplane Circles a Continent newsreel – 1924

In this extract from a 1924 documentary, A Seaplane Circles a Continent, a RAAF airplane arrives in St Kilda after circumnavigating Australia.

Travelogue of Eastern States newsreel – c1929

This travelogue, made around 1929, shows the major cities of eastern Australia including Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and the new national capital.

Aya feature film – 1990

The story of a Japanese-Australian marriage in the aftermath of the Second World War.

The Secret Life of Us – Now or Never television program – 2001

This final episode of the first season makes reference to the desirable 'trifecta’ of partner, job and home first raised in episode one but adds an unspoken fourth element – friendship.

Revolving Door short film – 2006

A snapshot of St Kilda’s illegal sex industry and the people it affects.