Titles tagged with ‘South Pole’
4 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Catalyst – The Antarctic Peninsula television program – 2006
ABC science reporter Dr Paul Willis tells a little-known scientific story about fossils found in Antarctica that prove it was once a huge forest and that Antarctica was once joined to Australia and South America.

Frank Hurley: The Man Who Made History documentary – 2004
An excellent look at the man who produced some of Australia’s first documentaries, and some of our most iconic images.

The Last Husky documentary – 1993
Husky dog teams have served on the Mawson Base in the Antarctic for fifty years. The documentary records the last dogs to be used there and their journey to a new home in Minnesota in the USA.

My South Polar Expedition spoken word – 1910
Sir Ernest Shackleton tells how the loss of a pony affected his attempt to reach the South Pole in 1908.