Titles tagged with ‘Hinduism’
5 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year
The Cremation of a Balinese Chief at the Hotel Bali home movie – c1930
This Balinese cremation was apparently the first such ceremony to be witnessed and filmed by a white man.
The Dance of the Eyes documentary – c1940
Skylogues’ like this one from Bali, were shown in cinemas prior to a feature film; few Australians travelled abroad then.
The Healing of Bali documentary – 2003
This documentary explores the Balinese response to the terrorist bombings in Kuta on 12 October 2002.
The Waiting City feature film – 2009
The marriage of an Australian couple hits a crisis point as they wait to finalise the adoption of a child in Kolkata, India.
White, AR: Tin Mining in Malaya home movie – c1930
Australians have engaged with the Asia-Pacific region through travel and enterprise for many decades, but moving image records like this one from the first half of the 20th century are not common.