Titles tagged with ‘Federal Parliament’
11 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Australian Movie Magazine No 7201 newsreel – 1971
This 'year in review’ edition is not a typical example of the newsreel’s format. It presents some of the significant events of 1971 and includes a range of story types.

Billy and Percy television program – 1974
Based on the diaries of Percy Deane, private secretary of Prime Minister WM Hughes during the conscription debates of the First World War.

Canberra Files, The documentary – 2006
Sir Robert Menzies filmed his own wartime tour in 1941, including meeting British Prime Minister Winston Churchill at his home.

Dame Enid Lyons: Maiden Speech radio – 1943
Enid Lyons, the first woman elected to the House of Representatives in Australia’s federal parliament, reads her maiden speech for radio broadcast.

The Dismissal television program – 1983
On 11 November 1975, the Labor Prime Minister was dismissed. Great Australian drama based on actual events, produced less than a decade after they took place.

Heritage feature film – 1935
Heritage is a thunderous piece of endorsement for the pioneer mythology of Australia, made by the prolific Charles Chauvel.

Mister Prime Minister – Joseph Aloysius Lyons television program – c1966
A profile of Joe Lyons, Prime Minister of Australia from 1932 to 1939.

November Victory documentary – 1955
November Victory was reported by ASIO officials as being a 'scandalously untrue and distorted film version of the 1954 waterfront strike’.

Official Opening of Canberra by His Royal Highness the Duke of York newsreel – 1927
The Duke of York (later King George VI) officially opens Parliament House in Canberra on 19 May 1927. Dame Nellie Melba sings the national anthem, 'God save the King’.

Senator Dorothy Tangney: Maiden Speech radio – 1944
A recording of the first woman elected to the Australian Senate reading her maiden speech.

Tatler News No 2, Dr Maloney MLA newsreel – c1934
Dr Maloney expresses concerns about social injustice and poverty, addresses women’s voting rights and approves removing the word 'illegitimate’ from the birth registry.