Titles tagged with ‘Christianity’
15 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Cradle of Creation documentary – 1944
A compendium of the Middle East filmed by Frank Hurley during his years working as an official war photographer in the Second World War.

Beyond the Furthest Fences sponsored film – 1947
This is an abridged version of the feature-length documentary The Inlanders. Both follow the Australian Inland Mission through central Australia in 1947.

Australia’s Land of Tomorrow sponsored film – 1962
An Australian Inland Mission patrol witnesses a prospering region where industry and agriculture have grown and the population has greatly increased since the last visit.

Divine Service – The House of Freedom Church, Brisbane television program – 1986
An informal Christian service is held in a suburban home in Brisbane. This group is involved in a wide range of peace activities in the ‘International Year of Peace’.

The Book Show – Jim McClelland television program – 1991
Jim McClelland, minister in the Whitlam Government, was a good friend of John Kerr until 1975 when Kerr dismissed the Labor Government. They never spoke again.

Bad Boy Bubby feature film – 1993
Bad Boy Bubby was conceived as an experiment on virtually every level. It had 32 different cinematographers, for example.

Pacifica: Tales from the South Seas – Episode 1 documentary – 1993
Traditional stories, myths and legends from the Cook, Kiribati and Vanuatu Islands in the Pacific Ocean.

Pacifica: Tales from the South Seas – Episode 6 documentary – 1993
Traditional stories, myths and legends from two Pacific Islands – Tahiti and Western Samoa.

Shifting Sands – My Colour, Your Kind short film – 1998
When under threat of having their children stolen by authorities, Indigenous mothers resorted to darkening their fair-skinned children with mud and charcoal.

Bridewealth for a Goddess documentary – 1999
Bridewealth for a Goddess is a remarkable record of a ritual that may never be repeated.

The Dream and the Dreaming documentary – 2003
When Lutheran missionaries arrived in Central Australia, the strength of the existing culture made it challenging to make converts.

The Art of Healing documentary – 2005
Indigenous artists have given biblical texts a unique interpretation on the walls of a church near Alice Springs.

Loved Up – Our Bush Wedding documentary – 2005
This documentary is about the wedding of artist Gordon Syron and photographer Elaine Pelot-Kitchener. Gordon went to jail for killing a man to protect his family’s country.

First Australians – Episode 3, Freedom For Our Lifetime documentary – 2008
Episode 3 focuses on the first Australians of Victoria and the lives of Simon Wonga and William Barack.

Bran Nue Dae feature film – 2009
An uplifting musical about an Indigenous boy’s journey back home, Bran Nue Dae encourages the audience to relax, get on board and enjoy the ride.