Titles tagged with ‘Australian design’
5 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Ikara the Weapon Thrower sponsored film – 1963
This black-and-white film, classified 'confidential’ at the time, shows the lead up to the Ikara weapons trials and the trials that began in April 1963.

The Inventors television program – 1980
Panellist Diana 'Bubbles’ Fisher is expected to play the 'dizzy dame’, so she can be guaranteed to talk about the colour of the gadget while the guys talk knowingly about its science.

The New Inventors – Series 1 Episode 8 television program – 2004
The host works hard to keep the show moving along, with gags and one-liners that provide a contrast to the seriousness of the backyard boffins explaining their life’s work.

The New Inventors – Series 2 Episode 8 television program – 2005
This short and snappy program works because it never loses sight of its most precious talent, the inventors and their amazing creations.

No Fences, No Boundaries – Walter Burley Griffin documentary – c1976
Walter Burley Griffin believed that 'buildings convey the most truth of the mental and spiritual states of various people and times’.