Titles tagged with ‘1910s’
39 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year

Across the Trans-continental Railway: From Kalgoorlie to Port Augusta documentary – c1917
The construction of the trans-continental railway began in 1912 with work being carried out at both ends simultaneously.

At Footscray a Church is Pulled Down newsreel – 1911
This footage shows the preparations for demolition of a small church in Paisley Street, Footscray. It was screened at the opening of the Grand Picture Theatre in November 1911.

Australia Today – Antarctic Pioneers documentary – 1963
Photographer Frank Hurley discusses his Antarctic exploits in his last appearance on film.

Billy and Percy television program – 1974
Based on the diaries of Percy Deane, private secretary of Prime Minister WM Hughes during the conscription debates of the First World War.

Cartoons of the Moment – Australia’s Prime Minister Delights the Empire newsreel – c1915
In this edition of Cartoons of the Moment, Harry Julius comments on the war in Europe and Prime Minister Hughes’s policy of restrictions on trade with Germany.

Cartoons of the Moment – Crown Prince of Death newsreel – c1915
This First World War anti-German propaganda cartoon represents fighting countries as animals and employs puns in the titles and accompanying captions.

Cartoons of the Moment – German Dove of Peace newsreel – 1915
These cartoons also occasionally provided social commentary on domestic issues that did not have to do with the First World War, such as the evolution of the skirt.

Cartoons of the Moment – Miss Australasia newsreel – c1915
Cartoons of the Moment employs cut-out animation, with two-dimensional character shapes photographed using a stop-motion technique.

Cartoons of the Moment – The Berlin Lokal Anzeiger newsreel – 1915
To emphasise the topicality of his work, political cartoonist Harry Julius is seen reading a newspaper at his desk before he begins sketching his latest cartoon.

Cartoons of the Moment – The Economy in Germany newsreel – c1915
Julius’s propaganda cartoons satirise the qualities of a country and its people by associating characters with specific symbols, items of clothing and facial features.

Cartoons of the Moment – The Kaiser War newsreel – c1918
This edition of Cartoons of the Moment was probably made in 1918, after Prime Minister Hughes’s second visit to England to attend the Imperial War Cabinet.

Cartoons of the Moment – The War Zoo newsreel – c1915
Cartoonist Harry Julius used animals to represent the various countries involved in the First World War, creating easily identifiable – and satirical – character stereotypes.

Cartoons of the Moment – Today the German Monster Threatens the World newsreel – c1916
This powerful piece of anti-German propaganda was a recruitment tool to persuade Australian men of fighting age that their help was urgently needed in the war effort.

Chez les Sauvages Australiens historical – 1917
An engaging and respectful insight into Aboriginal people’s culture and their interaction with the filmmaking process, made in 1917.

Country Gardens music – 1919
A pianola version of Percy Grainger’s ‘Country Gardens’ performed by the composer.

The Enemy Within feature film – 1918
Snowy Baker stars as a secret agent who smashes a ring of German spies in Sydney during the First World War.

Fighting the Flames historical – 1909
Footage of the Adelaide Metropolitan Fire Brigade in 1909 featuring rescue and resuscitation demonstrations by firefighters.

Footscray 1911 historical – c1911
One of the earliest moving image recordings of Footscray, this footage was screened to locals a week later at the Federal Hall in Nicholson Street.

Kiwi Shoe Polish: Shine Sir advertisement – 1914
This cinema advertisement illustrates what employers on the home front faced when their staff enlisted themselves into the war effort.

The Landing of the Australian Troops in Egypt historical – c1916
A short commercial recording dramatising the Australian troops arriving in Egypt, before Gallipoli.

Les Darcy vs Dave Smith for the Championship of Australia historical – 1916
Boxing great Les Darcy trains with, and later fights, Dave Smith, his former mentor.

The Man from Kangaroo feature film – 1919
John Harland, a bush parson, is dismissed from his job for teaching children how to box. Harland moves to another town, where he combats ruffians and rescues his girlfriend from a forced marriage.

My Country spoken word – 1958
Dorothea Mackellar, aged about 73, reads her most famous poem, 'My Country’.

Naming the Federal Capital of Australia historical – 1913
Director Raymond Longford, best known for his silent feature film The Sentimental Bloke (1919), documents the naming of Australia’s capital city, Canberra, in 1913.

National Treasures – First Surfboard documentary – 2004
Duke Kahanamoku shows Australians how to ride a wave in 1914, using a board he built himself.

National Treasures – ‘The Magic Pudding’ Illustrations documentary – 2004
A look at the illustrations for one of Australia’s best-loved children’s books, The Magic Pudding.

National Treasures – ‘The Sentimental Bloke’ Film documentary – 2004
The classic 1919 silent movie The Sentimental Bloke is regarded as one of the greatest Australian films.

Novel Method of Advertising Peace Bonds: The Lion and the Kangaroo newsreel – c1917
In this newsreel item of a Melbourne parade, advertisements for peace bonds feature on the lion and kangaroo cages belonging to the Colleano and Sole Brothers Circus.

Pathe Animated Gazette: 141st Australasian Edition newsreel – c1918
This edition of the Pathe Animated Gazette covers news items from different parts of Australia including Sydney, Melbourne, Warrnambool and Tasmania.

Pathe Animated Gazette (Australasian Edition): The First Instalment of Australian Notes newsreel – c1910
Australasian editions of the Pathe Animated Gazette combined local and international news items and screened to cinema audiences from around 1908 until the First World War.

Red Cross Activities During and After WWI historical – c1919
The footage provides a snapshot of the daily tasks Female Red Cross volunteers performed during and after the First World War.

Richmond Carnival in Aid of Blind Soldiers, May 1918 newsreel – 1918
Parades, carnivals and marches were commonly covered by newsreels. They were held to raise money and increase support for Australian troops and their families.

Ross Smith’s Flight from London to Australia documentary – 1919
In 1919, aviator Ross Smith and crew became the first Australians to fly between England and Australia in under 30 days. Cameraman Frank Hurley joined them.

The Sentimental Bloke feature film – 1919
Director Raymond Longford and leading lady Lottie Lyell wrote this together and it is probably their most successful collaboration.

Society Wedding home movie – c1914
This silent footage of a society wedding, beautifully framed and shot on 35mm nitrate film, is a rare example of a home movie from the 1910s.

St Kilda Esplanade 1914 historical – 1914
This early footage of St Kilda includes the entrance to Luna Park and a jetty at the beach. The last shot, with its geometric form and structure, is like a Seurat painting.

The St Kilda Esplanade on Boxing Day historical – c1913
A vivid snapshot of public life on a sunny day at the St Kilda esplanade and foreshore on Boxing Day 1913.

The Sydney Morning Herald documentary – 1911
One of the first Australian docos to be shot at night with artificial light, this Pathé short shows the newspaper printing process of the Sydney Morning Herald.

A Thriving and Prosperous Suburb: Bird’s Eye View of Footscray documentary – c1911
This informal snapshot of daily life in 1910 is a rare record of working people in early 20th-century Melbourne.