Snowy Hydro - Where Men and Mountains Meet (1963)
Out of curiosity I Googled 'World Hard Rock Tunnelling Record' and read with interest your entries for the Snowy Hydro Scheme where you state the World Record for hard rock tunnelling was set with a drive of 165m in a week during the early 1960's. What aroused my curiosity is a gents Rolex wrist watch which belonged to my late father-in-law and was presented to him by Mitchell Construction in 1955. The back of the watch is inscribed with the words "World Tunnelling Record 557 Feet in 7 Days. Breadalbane October 1955". This drive on a Scottish Hydro Electic scheme equates to 169.77m, nearly 5m further than the Snowy distance. There are also certificates from The British Tunnelling Society commemorating this event. I do realise that the communication of information on such matters all those years ago was not what it is today, nonetheless will you consider amending the Google entries accordingly.
Posted on behalf of Neil Pike
#1 from Editor – 13 years ago.
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