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Peach’s Australia (1975 - 1976)

Mixed type series
52 episodes x 30 minutes

Series synopsis:

From the Western Australian gold fields to Norfolk Island and from the Gulf Country of Northern Australia to Zeehan on the rugged west coast of Tasmania, ABC television personality Bill Peach leisurely wanders through these vastly different places talking to the locals about the history and the characters that make up our “wide brown land”

Curator’s Notes:

As long time presenter of the ABC’s first nightly current affairs program This Day Tonight, Bill Peach was a hugely popular ABC television personality. This made him a clever choice of presenter for this travelogue cum history series about Australia as most Australians of the 1970’s felt they knew Bill because he’d been a presence in their living rooms for over a decade. His style is homespun and matey and his stories about Australia no doubt made fashionable the phenomenon of the Grey Nomads as thousands of retired Australians took to the road to discover their country for themselves.

Titles in this series

Peach’s Australia – Darling River 1976

The travel journalist Bill Peach continues his wander around the continent of Australia with a stop along the banks of the Darling River at Bourke in New South Wales. This was the centre of sheep grazing in Australia from the ...

Peach’s Australia – Flinders Ranges 1976

Bill Peach takes us on a folksy amble through the Flinders Ranges of South Australia. As he reveals the extraordinary beauty of this arid range he tells us something of the rich history of settlement and exploration of the region, ...