All titles in the ‘Animation’ genre
110 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year prev 1 2 3 next

Ada short film – 2001
Set in a domestic dining room in Sydney in the mid-1950s, the main focus of this autobiographical short film is the relationship between Ada and her granddaughter.

The Adventures of Bottle Top Bill – A Windy Day television program – 2005
Bottle Top Bill and his best friend Corky must travel by flying machine to retrieve their washing, which has blown away in the wind.

Aeroplane Fruit Jellies Advertisement: Bertie the Aeroplane advertisement – 1942
Creating a lovable cartoon character in Bertie the Aeroplane is one of the reasons that Aeroplane Jelly has become such an identifiable product.

Aeroplane Jelly Advertisement: Spaceship advertisement – 1959
The iconic Aeroplane Jelly jingle was recorded in 1938 by seven-year-old Joy King, who won a state-wide talent quest to record the official version of the song.

Aeroplane Pure Fruit Jellies Advertisement: Bertie the Jet advertisement – 1954
The colourful animation, the anthropomorphising of Bertie, and the jingle ‘I love Aeroplane Jelly’ are designed to appeal to both children and their parents.

Art documentary – 1974
This short, amusing and thoughtful animated documentary is full of debate about art and is a good starter for students.

Arthur and the Square Knights of the Round Table - Episode 35 television program – 1972
With an abundance of playful silliness, Arthur and the Square Knights of the Round Table is a delightful product of its era and remains very watchable today.

An Australian Invention: Falkiner Cane Harvester in Operation sponsored film – c1925
This film, possibly made by the Queensland Cane Growers Organisation, promotes the use of the mechanical harvester – a real innovation at the time.

Babe feature film – 1995
A worldwide hit film based on a children’s book about a farm pig who wants to be a sheepdog.

Bambaloo – Bird in a Boat television program – 2002
A mixed live-action, puppetry and animation show for preschoolers from Yoram Gross and the world renowned Jim Henson Company.

Birthday Boy short film – 2004
This Oscar-nominated short, set during the Korean War, is about a boy who receives an unexpected birthday present with tragic consequences.

Black Beauty television program – 1978
Poignantly told from the horse’s point of view, this 1978 animated film from the classic novel tells of the heartbreaking consequences of unrestricted exploitation of animals.

Blinky Bill’s Fire Brigade television program – 1992
Blinky Bill is an iconic Australian character much loved by generations of children, through the books and more recently through these television series.

Browning Machine Gun sponsored film – c1940
An animated army training film that illustrates the operation of the Browning machine gun.

Bushells Tea Advertisement: The World of the Future advertisement – c1941
This cinema advertisement reassures its viewers that no matter what the future holds, you can rely on Bushells tea to remain the same.

Cartoons of the Moment – Australia’s Prime Minister Delights the Empire newsreel – c1915
In this edition of Cartoons of the Moment, Harry Julius comments on the war in Europe and Prime Minister Hughes’s policy of restrictions on trade with Germany.

Cartoons of the Moment – Crown Prince of Death newsreel – c1915
This First World War anti-German propaganda cartoon represents fighting countries as animals and employs puns in the titles and accompanying captions.

Cartoons of the Moment – German Dove of Peace newsreel – 1915
These cartoons also occasionally provided social commentary on domestic issues that did not have to do with the First World War, such as the evolution of the skirt.

Cartoons of the Moment – Miss Australasia newsreel – c1915
Cartoons of the Moment employs cut-out animation, with two-dimensional character shapes photographed using a stop-motion technique.

Cartoons of the Moment – The Berlin Lokal Anzeiger newsreel – 1915
To emphasise the topicality of his work, political cartoonist Harry Julius is seen reading a newspaper at his desk before he begins sketching his latest cartoon.

Cartoons of the Moment – The Economy in Germany newsreel – c1915
Julius’s propaganda cartoons satirise the qualities of a country and its people by associating characters with specific symbols, items of clothing and facial features.

Cartoons of the Moment – The Kaiser War newsreel – c1918
This edition of Cartoons of the Moment was probably made in 1918, after Prime Minister Hughes’s second visit to England to attend the Imperial War Cabinet.

Cartoons of the Moment – The War Zoo newsreel – c1915
Cartoonist Harry Julius used animals to represent the various countries involved in the First World War, creating easily identifiable – and satirical – character stereotypes.

Cartoons of the Moment – Today the German Monster Threatens the World newsreel – c1916
This powerful piece of anti-German propaganda was a recruitment tool to persuade Australian men of fighting age that their help was urgently needed in the war effort.

Clara short film – 2004
A stop-motion animation that explores the grief experienced by a young girl.

Commonwealth Bank – Willie Wombat: Waste Not Want Not sponsored film – c1939
Willie Wombat was produced by Eric Porter – Australia’s first career animator – to promote the Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia’s School Banking program.

Coruba Jamaican Rum advertisement – 1979
This animated commercial for Coruba Jamaican Rum celebrates the lifestyle associated with the spirit’s origins.

Cousin short film – 1998
The biography of a cousin, his special arm, pet rocks and shopping trolley.

Crust short film – 1987
Surreal antics over dinner are the subject of this animated short film by John 'Hobart’ Hughes.

Dad’s Clock short film – 2001
This stop-motion animation short film celebrates the life of the animator’s late father.

Dot and the Kangaroo feature film – 1977
A generation of Australian school children grew up on Dot and the Kangaroo and the six other Dot films that followed it. Really.

Driving Home short film – 1999
In this animated short film, a young Korean immigrant struggles to define her cultural identity.

Episodes in Disbelief short film – 2000
This short animation is a reflection on childhood loss as the narrator attempts to come to terms with the death of her father.

Faireez – A Chilling Plot television program – 2005
Self-reliance and a strictly non-violent resolution feature in this story of Jumpalina, the big-footed baddy in her floating castle, up to her tricks again in Faireezia.

The Fairytale Police Department – Black Day for Snow White television program – 2002
Crimes committed in Fairytale land mean the world’s best-known fairy tales won’t end the way they should. Combines genres of fairytale and detective television.

First Victory Home Loan: Squander Bug advertisement – 1945
This ad aimed to persuade Australians to donate money to the war effort, portraying it as patriotic and a show of commitment to the cause.

Flipper and Lopaka – The Secrets of Quetzo television program – 1999
Producer Yoram Gross used animation to free up Flipper: ‘In the old series, Flipper was like an extra … we gave him the chance to be the action hero.’

Global Haywire documentary – 2007
Bruce Petty asks Noam Chomsky, Gore Vidal and a bunch of cartoon characters if the West has only got itself to blame for its woes.

Grendel Grendel Grendel feature film – 1980
A lonely, philosophical monster ruminates on the stupidity of men, whose heads he occasionally devours.

The Hand of the Artist short film – 1906
The artist’s hand gives a young man and woman a number of options for romance. This English short film was used by the Corrick family entertainers in their performances.

Happy Feet feature film – 2006
Filmmakers spent two months in Antarctica photographing landscapes and fauna to make this animated film look photoreal.

Harvie Krumpet short film – 2003
Adam Elliot combines darkness and humour, tragedy and triumph, Alzheimer’s and living life to the full, so that we may learn more about what it means to be human.

Hello short film – 2003
In this beautifully realised short film, animated characters communicate using music and recorded sound.

Hoota and Snoz – Series 3 Episode 13 television program – 2003
Snoz and Hoota are squabbling rivals in this 3D computer-generated animated series. In this episode, Snoz finds a mini Hoota included with the breakfast cereal.

Hoota and Snoz – Series 3 Episode 3 television program – 2003
Squabbling duo Hoota and Snoz star in the first 3D computer-generated animated series produced in Australia.

Hot to Trot short film – 1977
A cartoon adventure featuring Captain Goodvibes, the pig of steel, and his sidekick Astro.