The Sundowners (1960)
Jon Cleary, author of the book from which The Sundowners was adapted, died in July 2010. The NFSA holds an excellent oral history with Cleary, conducted by writer-director Stephan Vagg. One of Australia's most successful novelists ever, Cleary in this interview discussed his involvement in the film industry including the making of The Sundowners, the writing and making of the films Sidecar Racers and Helga's Web as well as adaptations of his novels like The High Commissioner and High Road to China. Out of all of these films, the best, in my view, is Fred Zinemann's The Sundowners - authentic, honest, moving, gritty and the front runner among the wide variety of 1950-1970 films made in Australia by overseas filmmakers.
#1 from grash – 14 years, 5 months ago.
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