
an NFSA website

Lucky Miles (2007)

clip The shoes of the fisherman education content clip 1

Original classification rating: MA. This clip chosen to be PG

Clip description

The fishermen have split up after Ramelan caused the boat to sink. Muluk (Sawung Jabo) assures his nephew Abdu (Arif Hidayat) that Ramelan (Srisacd Sacdpraseuth) can look after himself. In the desert, Youssif (Rodney Afif) and Arun (Kenneth Moraleda) find Ramelan near death. They revive him and Youssif takes one of his flip-flops as punishment.

Curator’s notes

The film has well-honed dialogue, in four languages. Placement of the subtitles in different parts of the frame contributes to a sense of freewheeling comedy, as does the occasional colloquial expression.