Clip description
Red (Grant Taylor) gives his horse some water during a long and tortuous patrol in the desert. An officer tells him to save it for himself. Red, Jim (Chips Rafferty) and Larry (Pat Twohill) cool off on the dunes. They discuss the reasons they are fighting and the many wars that have preceded them on this inhospitable ground. Jim gives a statement of core values he believes are worth fighting for.
Curator’s notes
There’s a marked increase in sophistication of Chauvel’s directing in Forty Thousand Horsemen, probably due in part to his recent visit to the US, but his films were still prone to the occasional corny speech, given here by a nationalistic Chips Rafferty. This combination of action, sentiment and romance is present in all of Chauvel’s work before this film. He was highly influenced by American styles, but remained a nationalist director at heart. The difference between this and his early work is in the quality of the action sequences, which made a great leap forward with this film.