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Stone Forever (1999)

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clip Take the trip

Original classification rating: MA. This clip chosen to be PG

Clip description

This clip opens with a wide shot of the bikes coming out of a bunker and two bikies with guns in a graveyard. There is fast cutting and a violent fight ensues. A narrator explains what Stone (1974) is about, where the men have come from and that someone wants them dead. Stone, the character, is seen with his girlfriend who wants him to do something else for a living rather than be a cop. There follows series of shots of the bikies threatened with guns, crossbow, fire and car. Helen Morse speaks in interview about the context, David Hannay about the actors and Ken Shorter about how he came to be the ‘star’.

Curator’s notes

The whole storyline of Stone (1974) is told in this clip. There are some amazing stunts in the film and a few are shown here. Stunt coordinator Peter Armstrong and his crew did an incredible job. One of the stunts is especially spectacular when a bikie is forced over a 30-metre cliff into the ocean (filmed at The Gap in Sydney). It is breathtaking! This kind of stunt would probably be done by CGI these days but this was real and remarkable.

Thanks to the generosity of the rights holders, we are able to offer Take the trip from the documentary Stone Forever as a high quality video download.

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File nameSizeQualitySuitability
stonefor2_pr.mp4 Large: 18.6MB High Optimised for full-screen display on a fast computer.
stonefor2_bb.mp4 Medium: 8.8MB Medium Can be displayed full screen. Also suitable for video iPods.

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