Nicaragua: No Pasaran (1984)
This 1984 documentary examines the political story of Nicaragua. The Sandinistas overthrew the US backed dictatorship of Somoza. The Sandinistas then had to defend their country from the invasion of the US funded Contras from neighbouring Honduras and Costa Rica. A central figure in the documentary is Tomas Borge, Minister for the Interior in Nicaragua’s nine man collective leadership. The documentary features archival footage, interviews with local people and politicians, a British journalist and the visit of Pope Paul.
Curator’s notes
Filmmaker David Bradbury tells a complicated story well. Bradbury spent six months in Nicaragua researching and shooting the film, sometimes in dangerous conditions. He is one of Australia’s best known documentary makers, specialising in films with political or environmental subjects.
Bradbury’s other films include Fond Memories of Cuba, Wamsley’s War, Jabiluka and Loggerheads. The cinematographer was Geoffrey Simpson ACS, who went on a successful international career shooting feature films.