Clip description
A four-wheel drive makes its way down a stretch of road at Curtin Springs. The women are discussing the alcohol-related fatalities that have occurred here. They reminisce about the 1990 march against the sale of alcohol to Anangu (the word the Indigenous people use to refer to themselves) people, and how they lobbied the publican in order to gain his support.
Curator’s notes
The strength and focus of the Ngaanyatjarra Pitjantjatjara Yankunytjatjara Women’s Council manifests in a march that is intended to stop the sale of alcohol to Anangu people. The women take on the responsibility of preventing any further alcohol-related deaths, and lobby the publican. The fight took 10 years, and the women eventually won the support of the publican in arresting the grief resulting from alcohol abuse within the Anangu community.