Fond Memories of Cuba (2002)
Documentary maker David Bradbury visits Cuba to report on what the socialist revolution of 1959 has delivered for Cubans in 2002. The film has two distinct parts. The first is more observational and relaxed. The second half tackles human rights and offers an opinion on the influence of tourism on the culture. Beginning with a series of vignettes of daily life for the average citizen, the film moves into more serious mode when we see Cubans arrested for criticising the regime. Director, producer, cinematographer David Bradbury also provides the voice over.
Curator’s notes
Filmmaker David Bradbury gives a good sense of daily life in Cuba. He uses an observational style that drives the story telling. He was motivated to make the film by a friend – eighty-six year-old Jim – a socialist who donated $500,000 to a Cuban children’s hospital. Bradbury attempts to film in the hospital but is refused permission.
David Bradbury is one of Australia’s best-known documentary filmmakers. His credits include, Wamsley’s War, Jabiluka, Loggerheads and The Battle for Byron.