Clip description
Frank Byrne, Stolen Generations senior case workers Heather Shearer and Justin Howard, director Mitch Torres and Julie Hayden from the Department of Indigenous Affairs sit around a table. They are looking at the yellow pages of an old file that recorded the preparations by authorities to remove Frank from his mother Maudie Yooringun. In re-enactment, children play at Moola Bulla. Archival footage of Beagle Bay Mission shows a church and priests, a market garden being tended and young children in the classroom and singing in church.
Frank tells us that when he got to Beagle Bay Mission they had everything there compared to nothing much at Moola Bulla, and at Beagle Bay Mission they were taught to pray and sing in Latin. Archival footage shows children rolling off a tumble horse during an exercise session. Frank says he has heard many reasons as to why Aboriginal children were stolen or removed, but for him there was no purpose, and that being removed wrecked his, as well as his mother’s, life.
Curator’s notes
This clip is a testimony to the confusion and personal reassessment that takes place throughout a person’s lifetime after being removed from one’s family as a consequence of government policy. The question, ‘what purpose?’ is a deep searching for an explanation for being torn from one’s family and immersed in a foreign culture. Being taught Latin yet not understanding the language typifies the loss of Indigenous language and cultural values and not having them replaced by anything meaningful.