A World for Children (c.1962)
I was there, as a 12-year-old, from the Netherlands, very briefly before transferring to three more migrant hostels, in 1956. We're so conscious of "spin" now and this strikes me that way as my memory is of my mother's despair and her often quoted cry of: I swapped my beautiful apartment in Gouda, for this?!" I'm so pleased that my parents decided to migrate and that I've been based in Sydney ever since but accommodation in these hostels was just a "dip" that we had to endure to establish a normal life again. While staying in these hostels my parents established so many friendships as my father was particularly sociable and of course 'served' as the chairman or 'president' of the Netherlands Society in Bankstown for 12 years.
#1 from ozcloggie – 10 years, 8 months ago.
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