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The 1930s Golden Era of Australian Movies: A Tribute to Ken G Hall AO OBE (1988)


Australian producer-director Ken G Hall talks to camera about five of his films – On Our Selection (1932), The Squatter’s Daughter (1933), Tall Timbers (1937), It Isn’t Done (1937)and Dad Rudd MP (1940). The second part of the documentary shows extracts from those films.

Curator’s notes

The documentary is largely an interview with one of Australia’s great filmmakers. He is charming and articulate, and it is an excellent firsthand account of the creation of some of Australia’s classic films. The extracts from Hall’s films are a good introduction to his work.

Hall aimed to give his audiences their money’s worth. His formula included some basic rules: a memorable title, a strong story climax, and the publicity machine working from the very start of production. Hall believed that 'the highest goal of production was to serve the audience, humbly, self-effacingly and untiringly’.