All titles produced by Owen Brothers Animated Films
7 titles - sorted alphabetically or by year
This company was formerly known as Owen Brothers.

Around a Gum Tree documentary – 1949
This documentary cleverly uses gum trees as a device to explore the broad range of industries that Australia supports.

Australians Keep the Wheels of Industry Turning advertisement – c1943
An animated advertisement to persuade Australians to invest in National Savings stamps and the 4th Liberty Loan.

Browning Machine Gun sponsored film – c1940
An animated army training film that illustrates the operation of the Browning machine gun.

Choo Choo documentary – c1940
An amateur film of the Spirit of Progress passenger train, made by the Owen Brothers.

Fez Please documentary – c1935
A short silent documentary made by the Owen Brothers about Melbourne’s fast-disappearing cable trams.

First Victory Home Loan: Squander Bug advertisement – 1945
This ad aimed to persuade Australians to donate money to the war effort, portraying it as patriotic and a show of commitment to the cause.

Road to Tokyo advertisement – c1941
An animated government advertisement designed to persuade Australians to contribute to the war effort by investing in war loans.